
最后更新于:2024-08-26 10:40:45

  • 1、我要努力攒钱争取买一个自动取款机。
  • 2、善意的谎言能让人找到用笑脸去面对生活的理由。善意的谎言,是赋予人类灵性,体现情感的细腻和思想的成熟,促使人坚强执著,不由自主去努力去争取,最后战胜脆弱,绝处逢生。
  • 3、Despite facing numerous challenges, she never gave up and always put in her best efforts to achieve her dreams. (63 words)
  • 4、With unwavering determination, she worked tirelessly day and night to turn her small business into a thriving empire. (71 words)
  • 5、Against all odds, he strived for excellence, pushing himself to the limit in order to prove that anything is possible. (71 words)
  • 6、Inthe face of adversity, she found the strength to persevere and worked hard to create a brighter future for herself and her family. (74 words)
  • 7、His relentless pursuit of knowledge and constant thirst for self-improvement enabled him to overcome every obstacle that stood in his way. (79 words)
  • 8、With unwavering focus and an indomitable spirit, she tackled every task with determination and dedication, leaving no room for regrets. (85 words)
  • 9、Despite the doubts and naysayers, he relentlessly pursued his passion, letting his hard work speak for itself and silence the critics. (86 words)
  • 10、Inpursuit of her dreams, she poured her heart and soul into every endeavor, never settling for mediocrity and always striving for greatness. (89 words)
  • 11、With every setback, she found the motivation to work even harder, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than roadblocks to success. (96 words)
  • 12、He embraced the journey of self-improvement, dedicating himself to self-discipline and hard work, realizing that personal growth is a lifelong endeavor. (99 words)
  • 13、Despite the long and arduous path ahead, she remained committed to her goals, never losing sight of the bigger picture and trusting the process. (101 words)
  • 14、Armed with determination and a burning desire to succeed, he harnessed every setback as a stepping stone towards achieving his wildest dreams. (105 words)
  • 15、She believed that success comes to those who work for it, and thus she poured her heart and soul into every task, leaving no room for regrets or what-ifs. (110 words)
  • 16、His unyielding passion for his craft fueled his unwavering work ethic, as he tirelessly honed his skills and carved a niche for himself in the industry. (113 words)
  • 17、She welcomed every challenge not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to prove her worth and showcase the fruits of her relentless efforts. (115 words)
  • 18、With every setback and disappointment, he found the strength to push forward, realizing that success is not determined by the absence of failure, but by the ability to rise above it. (117 words)
  • 19、In the pursuit of excellence, she refused to settle for anything less than her best, understanding that true success lies in the willingness to go the extra mile. (118 words)
  • 20、不是每条小溪都能融入大海,不流动就会成为死水;不是每粒种子都能长成大树,不生长就会成为空壳;不是每个生命都能焕发光彩,不努力就会成为废人。只有努力,才能到达成功的彼岸。
  • 21、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出高质量的句子.
  • 22、让快乐张开翅膀,看梦想瞬间绽放。就让我们一起拼搏努力,放飞梦想,在自由的天空里翱翔。
  • 23、菊花家族是千姿百态的:有的已经是全部盛开,露出一张张美丽的笑脸;有的只开了一半,正在吸取天地精华,努力生长;还有的含苞待放,花苞白里透红,涨得大大的,好像马上就要出来看看这五彩缤纷的世界。
  • 24、你们在开始一天生活的时候应该提醒自己去爱他人,应该努力去发现世间美好的事物,那么,从外界的反映中,你将发现一个可爱的自我。假如在你即将离开人世的时候,身边没有一个人紧紧握住你的手,这说明你在一生中未曾伸出友爱之手去帮助他人。
  • 25、在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。
  • 26、当人们知道自己的工作成绩有人检查的时候会加倍努力
  • 27、凡事比别人多一点点!多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹!
  • 28、在我们的生活中最让人感动的日子总是那些一心一意为了一个目标而努力奋斗的日子,哪怕是为了一个卑微的目标而奋斗也是值得我们骄傲的,因为无数卑微的目标累积起来可能就是一个伟大的成就。金字塔也是由每一块石头累积而成的,每一块石头都是很简单的,而金字塔却是宏伟而永恒的。
  • 29、望着黄昏,感受黄昏,让我忧郁的心一次次在夕阳下放开,天渐渐暗淡下去,然而我却发现这时的夕阳更加红,像火烧一般,啊!黄昏,是否你不认输,即使自己已没有了当初的光彩,但还期待着努力挥洒自己的心梦。
  • 30、只有努力付诸实践,才有真知灼见。
  • 31、成功的意义不在于你取得多大的成就,也不在于你有多么的伟大。因为,成功总会与努力过的人握手,只要享受了努力的过程,我们就不是失败者。
  • 32、奋斗不能等待,我们不能等到垂暮之年再去“全力以赴”.让我们从现在开始,为理想而努力,为人生而拼搏。精诚所至,金石为开,相信奋斗会让我们的青春之花绽放得更加绚烂,让我们的人生之路走下来不留遗憾。
  • 33、我十分爱月亮,月亮,不仅是美好的象征,更是鼓励我前进的动力,但月亮也不全是完美的,它常常也是有缺憾的。不过,它在努力拼搏,积蓄力量,直到十五,月圆。
  • 34、天下没有免费的午餐,一切成功都要靠自己的努力去争取。机会需要把握,也需要创造。
  • 35、如果知道光阴的易逝而珍贵爱惜,不作无谓的伤感,并向着自己应做的事业去努力,尤其是青年时代一点也不把时光滥用,那我们可以武断地说将来必然是会成功的。聂耳
  • 36、世上并没有用来鼓励工作努力的赏赐,所有的赏赐都只是被用来奖励工作成果的。
  • 37、让我们在考研的征程中坚定必胜的信念,一起努力吧!
  • 38、叶落如歌,落叶一点点地走完自己的旅程,但它最终还是要化为泥土,而我也会努力记住那瞬间的永恒。
  • 39、书是一扇窗,只有打开了,才能看到外面精彩的世界;书是一道门槛,只要努力跨过去了,就能感受里面的色彩;书是人世间最大的财富,正所谓“书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋。”。
  • 40、抉择一定要放在努力的前面。
  • 41、有些人天资颇高而成就则平凡,他们好比有大本钱而没有做出大生意,也有些人天资并不特异而成就则斐然可观,他们好比拿小本钱而做大生意。这中间的差别就在努力与不努力了。朱光潜
  • 42、一有机会就努力去用英文来思考。看到某事时,想想它的英文单词;然后把它用到一个句子中去。
  • 43、午后的天空,蓝天那样的清澈,云朵正在静静的飘逸,我相信,总有一条路,是留于我们身后的,只要一转身,便能找得到;我也相信,每个人的心里,都有一面墙,只要努力推开,就能看见阳光。
  • 44、努力一定有结果,但不一定有好结果。
  • 45、只要朝着一个方向努力,一切都会变得得心应手。勃朗宁
  • 46、因为奋斗,我变得坚强;因为奋斗,我学会拼搏;因为奋斗,我懂得自豪;因为奋斗,我学会走好人生之路;因为奋斗,我努力奔向理想的彼岸;因为奋斗,我选择完美人生。
  • 47、奇迹出现的概率,永远取决于努力
  • 48、天才就是这样,终身努力便成天才。门捷列夫
  • 49、你只有努力过了才知道,智商上的差距是不可逾越的。
  • 50、世界上没有不成功的人,只有不努力的人。