
最后更新于:2024-09-14 09:16:15

  • 1、一种厌倦感油然而生,使身体更加抗拒睡眠的到来。
  • 2、合理对待生活中的不如意和厌倦感
  • 3、Inthe midst of the luxurious banquet, a sense of weariness washed over her, as she realized that material possessions alone could never fill the void in her heart.
  • 4、Standing amidst the bustling streets of the city, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of fatigue, as the never-ending noise and chaos wore him down.
  • 5、Asshe scrolled through her social media feed, a deep sense of weariness swept over her, as she witnessed the endless stream of negativity and shallow interactions.
  • 6、With every passing day at the monotonous job, he felt an overwhelming sense of weariness settling in, as if his dreams and aspirations were slowly slipping away.
  • 7、The constant pressure from society to conform to certain norms and expectations was suffocating, leaving her with an unshakeable sense of weariness and resentment.
  • 8、Despite the stunning beauty of nature before her, a lingering feeling of weariness wrapped around her soul, reminding her of the burdens and responsibilities she carried.
  • 9、Each step she took towards her dreams seemed to be met with countless obstacles, leaving her with a sense of weariness that threatened to consume her.
  • 10、The air of cynicism that hung over the room cast a cloud of weariness on everyone present, as they navigated through conversations drenched in skepticism and disillusionment.
  • 11、She had been through countless heartbreaks and disappointments, resulting in an overwhelming sense of weariness that made it difficult for her to trust and open up to others.
  • 12、As the years passed, the once vibrant relationship between them was replaced by a constant feeling of weariness, as they failed to reignite the spark that brought them together.
  • 13、The mounting responsibilities and high expectations at work were taking a toll on him, leaving him with a sense of weariness that drained his motivation and creativity.
  • 14、The constant need to put on a facade and conform to societal expectations left her feeling exhausted and filled with a sense of weariness towards the superficiality of it all.
  • 15、The endless cycle of violence and conflict in the world filled him with a profound sense of weariness, as he yearned for a future where peace and harmony prevailed.
  • 16、The long and arduous journey towards self-discovery and personal growth often came with a sense of weariness, as she confronted her fears and pushed through her comfort zones.
  • 17、The weight of the past mistakes and regrets weighed heavily on her, leaving her with a sense of weariness that made it difficult for her to forgive herself and move forward.
  • 18、The relentlessly fast-paced lifestyle of the modern world left him with a deep sense of weariness, as he longed for a slower, more meaningful existence.
  • 19、长期的空虚或者厌倦感
  • 20、探讨大学生学习厌倦感、自我效能感与抑郁的关系。
  • 21、我认识到,在一个流浪汉所遭遇的种种不幸之中,这种厌倦感是最最坏的一种,它坏过食不果腹,坏过起居无着,甚至坏过无时不在的社会带来的屈辱感。
  • 22、我们周围人的情绪,态度,厌倦感和动作,哪怕是不易察觉的,都会被我们本能地模仿。
  • 23、芭芭拉:我们谈话时我听到外面有警笛大作,有位邻居在隔壁敲敲打打,你曾对这种热闹紧张、接踵摩肩的生活产生过厌倦感吗?
  • 24、正是由于终日无事可做而产生的厌倦感,让他们承受着极大的痛苦。
  • 25、数百次不同的考试使考生们不仅精神疲惫甚至对考试产生了厌倦感
  • 26、防止来自会议的厌倦感导致萎靡不振…并且你也将会构成树枝状结晶的脑细胞,为公司下一个重大的冒险出力。
  • 27、有一位老师有可能对他的工作和日益增长的官僚主义产生了厌倦感,再加上没有能力偿还信用卡。
  • 28、他们中有人的中学入学考试分数很高,他们只不过是在精神上产生了很强的厌倦感,觉得在课堂所学知识与自己的日常生活及今后的职业前景没有任何联系。
  • 29、在心理上,首先产生的是厌倦感
  • 30、没有厌倦感,没有不停寻找自我,也没有失败后的挫败感;我只想去改进,去反思。
  • 31、从而得出学习厌倦感、自我效能感与抑郁情绪具有显著相关的结论。
  • 32、如果在情感方面的心理研究成果仍然有效,厌倦感是深藏的焦虑心情引起的防御反应。
  • 33、根据研究学者,厌倦感事实上会缩短一个人的寿命。